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Writer's pictureRitu Jain

5 Ways To Reduce Biting In Autistic Children

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

Biting is a behavior that can be difficult for parents and caregivers to understand, but it is important to recognize that biting is not a deliberate attempt to harm others. Instead, biting is often a way for autistic children to communicate their needs or express their emotions.


Causes of Biting:

There are many reasons why autistic child may bite. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Sensory issues: Autistic children may bite to alleviate sensory overload or seek sensory input.

  2. Communication difficulties: Autistic kid may bite to express their needs and emotions when they have difficulty communicating verbally.

  3. Anxiety and stress: Biting can also be a coping mechanism for autistic children who experience anxiety or stress in social situations.

  4. Physical discomfort: It may bite when they are in pain or discomfort, such as teething or ear infections.

5 ways to reduce it:


Managing biting behavior in autism children can be challenging, but with patience and persistence, parents and caregivers can help reduce the frequency and intensity of biting. Here are some more detailed strategies that can be used to manage biting issue in kids:

  1. Understanding triggers: Pay attention to the situations that lead to biting and try to identify any patterns or triggers. Keep a journal or log of when the biting occurs, and note any factors that may have contributed to the behavior. Common triggers may include changes in routine, transitions, sensory overload, frustration, anxiety, or fatigue. Once you have identified the triggers, you can work on strategies to minimize or avoid these situations or provide support to help the child cope.

  2. Positive reinforcement: Reward positive behavior and provide praise and encouragement for non-biting behaviors. This can help to reinforce positive behaviors and reduce biting. When the child engages in positive behaviors, such as using words to express themselves or playing with a toy instead of biting, provide immediate praise and positive feedback. You can also use a reward system, such as a sticker chart, to provide positive reinforcement for good behavior.

  3. Sensory strategies: Provide sensory activities or tools that can help alleviate sensory overloads, such as chew toys, weighted blankets, or noise-canceling headphones. These tools can provide a sensory input that the child finds calming or regulating. Experiment with different sensory tools to find what works best for the child. For example, some children may benefit from chewing on a rubber tube or bracelet, while others may prefer a textured toy or fidget spinner.

  4. Communication support: Use visual aids or assistive technology to help autistic children communicate their needs and emotions. This can help to reduce frustration and can provide alternative ways for the child to express themselves. For example, you can use picture cards, a communication board, or a speech-generating device to help the child communicate. You can also teach the child basic sign language or gestures to help them express their needs.

  5. Medical interventions: Consult with a healthcare provider to address any underlying medical issues, such as teething or ear infections. Treating these issues can reduce discomfort and may help to reduce bitin g. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help manage anxiety or other behavioral issues that may be contributing to the biting behavior.


Biting is a complex behavior that requires patience and understanding from parents and caregivers. By understanding the reasons why autistic children bite and implementing strategies to manage the behavior, parents and caregivers can help support their child's development and improve their overall well-being. With time, patience, and support, biting can be minimized and replaced with more positive behaviors.

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